Saturday, January 13, 2018



 Acrylics are extremely Versatile, Fast - Drying Paints, and can be used straight from the tube like oils or thinned with water or a medium and used like watercolors. That is to say that Acrylics are water-based paints. Acrylic paint is a perfect choice for both experts and beginners too. If you have always wanted to paint but never knew how to start, Then I think this platform (ArtandCrafts Learner Basics) is the right place designed especially for you. In this platform, you will be learning the essentials of using acrylic Painting Materials, Color, Theory Basics, and how to begin a painting. This acrylic painting post is also intended to prepare beginners and artists with the knowledge needed to begin creating their own acrylic painting or to move into a more intensive painting with ease and confidence. So I expect you to grab a cup of coffee, sit tight and relax as I take you on this interesting episode of Acrylic Painting Basics For Beginners.

Where to Buy Art Supplies: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

Please don't forget to get a pencil or pen and a piece of paper as you will be needing it to note down some salient points that will help broaden your knowledge about Acrylic Painting.

 In order for you to begin an acrylic painting, You will basically need to be acquainted with these two things:

(a) The materials needed for the acrylic painting
(b) You will need to have an idea for what you want to paint.

 These two things are exactly what i'm going to be discussing today in the episode of Acrylic Painting Basics For Beginners and Artists too. So now before we start, I will first of all be discussing on the basic materials you will be needing before you start painting.
(1) Acrylic Paints
(2) Acrylic Paint Brushes
(3) Water Containers
(4) Painting Support
(5) Palette

Recommended For Beginners: As a beginner, I recommend you start your painting with this CHEAP  BEGINNERS ACRYLICS PAINTING COMPLETE TOOL SET.

 For now, I will only discuss about these major Five (5) Painting Material above. Although there are still more painting materials that you need to, should and must know for your Acrylic Painting. So i have drafted out these other painting materials with full detailed explanations in our next articles. To find out and explore them;

READ MORE: Painting Materials, Types and Their Uses For Artists & Beginners PART 1
READ MORE: Top 10 Painting Materials, Types and Their Uses For Artists & Beginners PART 2

(1) ACRYLIC PAINT:  As a beginner or a Startup Artist, You will be faced with some many questions like:

Where to Buy Acrylic Paints: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

(i) What Brand of Acrylic Paint Should I Buy??
 I think you should get the best quality you can afford. Any of the major brands will do. As you may know, Every Artist have their own preferred brands based on things such as the consistency of the paint and availability of the colors. But if i should suggest, I will advice you to for Golden Acrylics or Liquitex or Utretch as to these are the one's I'm acquainted with. But it's all just a matter of choice. Of course any brand will do!!!.

(ii) Am I to Purchase the Artist's Quality or Student Quality of Acrylic Paint??
When purchasing the quality of acrylic paint for your artwork, Just as i made it clear before, that it is all a matter of choice and also it depends on how buoyant your pocket is. But the good news here is that the both of them are all nice quality and YES!!!  they are all mixable. Although they all have their advantages and disadvantages. Students quality is quite cheaper and respond less efficiently to colors and media mixing.

Where to Buy Acrylic Paints: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

While Artists quality is more expensive and gives higher performance in terms of color and final results. So if i will have to suggest, I would really say that for beginners, it is advisable to go for students quality as to it will be a lot cheaper for you and it will also aid in your experimental paintings but as soon as you perfect your painting skills, I prefer you switch over to Artists Quality as it will aid in giving your work a more sharper, brighter and outstanding look.

(2) ACRYLIC PAINT BRUSHES: Paint Brushes are one of the most essential materials needed in painting because it is what defines how your painting or work will look like. Paint brushes comes in variety of types, shapes & sizes, As a beginner you will be faced with an array of shapes and you also get different length handles. Paint brushes can come in two (2) main forms which are:
(1) Natural
(2) Synthetic

Where to Buy Paint Brushes: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

Where to Buy Paint Professional Brushes: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

 Natural brushes are quite expensive while Synthetic brushes are usually cheaper and are all fine for acrylic paintings. So as a beginner, I recommend you will need stiff-bristled brushes for thick acrylic paint and soft-bristled brushes for thick water color effects. but if you are on a tight budget, I suggest that you start with a small and medium sized filbert (A flat pointed brush).
Note: Please always remember to keep your brushes in good conditions and make sure you clean them clean them thoroughly with soapy water, rinse well and lay them flat to dry after each painting session.

(3) WATER CONTAINER: Water containers are very essential and important in Acrylic Painting Basics. The reason why i consider water as one of the essential materials in painting is because you will be needing it to rinse the brushes when you switch from one color to another.

Where To Buy Art Brush Wash Bucket: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON 

You will also be needing some sort of receptacle like Jug, Cup, etc. to hold the water. Any container can actually be used as long as it is washed thoroughly and clean. It is also important that you get at least two (2) containers of water. One will be used used to rinse brushes from paint each time you switch from one color to another. While the second container filled with clean water will be used to dilute paint and moisten brushes when needed.

(4) PAINTING SUPPORT: Painting supports can refer to the suitable support for acrylic painting which may include paper, wood, canvas, canvas boards etc. Acrylic paint works on many kinds of surfaces. If you are to purchase a pre-primed canvas, check that it's been primed with acrylic gesso or something suitable for acrylics.

Where To Buy Painting Support: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

 Acrylics don't stick on oily surfaces, and would peel off with time. When making a choice of the most preferred painting support for beginner, I would suggest you go for canvas because canvas is usually the fabric of choice to paint a flat painting on. But when you perfect your painting skills and start thinking like a designer, Then you can now paint on any fabric to wear as a garment or use as a decorative item.

(5) PALETTE: Palette is a thin board with a hole in it for the thumb to go through by Artists for mixing colors on when painting. Palettes can be made of paper, wood or plastic and can be of various forms like:
(i) Stay - Wet Palettes: Stay - wet palette is a box with a thin sponge on the bottom and  an airtight sealed lid. The sponge is covered with a special heavy, disposable, reusable paper. Dampen both the sponge and the paper and place acrylic paint on the paper. The sponge keeps the paints wet while working and the lid (If Sealed) can keep paint from drying for about a week.

Where To Buy Acrylic Painting Palettes: AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

(ii) Disposable Paper Palette: Disposable paper palette are a good solution for easy clean up. Disposable paper palette comes in pads and are similar to waxed paper. The slick surface doesn't allow water to pass through, So you don't have to worry about paint soaking in. All you just have to do is to tear off the top sheet when it's messed up to reveal a fresh one.

(iii) Non - Porous Palettes:  Acrylic paint doesn't stick to non-porous surfaces, All you just have to do is just to peel off of these palettes. Acrylic Plastic Palettes, Glass and High Density Plastic are also available in Non - Porous Palettes.

(B) Note: Before You Start Painting, You Should Always Need To Have An Idea Of What You Want To Paint...  Let art flow through you and not you trying to force it on yourself. Try imagining beautiful things, objects and realistic nature and then keep practicing it. As a beginner, I know it would be kinda tough and challenging for you but always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing. Keep doing what you are doing, never think its impossible for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, that you can achieve.. Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war for the greatest glory in living lies not in never failing but in rising each time we fail. Remember Success is never Found, Failure is never Fatal, Courage is the only thing.

Thank you for your time and stay tuned for many more and more interesting posts on everything you need to know and succeed in the world of art and painting.




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